Greetings in Jesus name,
It is an honor and privilege to serve the Western district of the Assemblies of the Lord
Jesus Christ as District Superintendent. When Christ calls men and women, we are
called into service of His great kingdom. My desire is to do that very thing, serve the
kingdom of God by joining hands with the churches and ministers spread across our
great district to bring about growth and revival. Growth; by way of establishing new
church plants and preaching points. Also, by extending a hand of fellowship and
friendship to other Apostolic churches and ministries not currently a part of the ALJC.
Revival; by way of utilizing the many departments and leaders of the ALJC on both the
district and national level. I believe this will work to cultivate an environment in our local churches that will facilitate individuals and families obeying the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Further, it will allow them to continue growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Myself in conjunction with the Western
District board and department leadership continue to labor and serve to achieve this
attainable goal of growth and revival in the Western District. “Together We Serve”!
In His Service,
Robert Jones
Western District Superintendent